September 4, 2010
We dropped Brynja off for the start of her college years at St. Olaf. It was an exciting time being back on the hill as Brynja moved into the same dorm I did 27 years earlier.

September 4, 2010
Brynja met her new roommate, Lauren, and had her picture taken with the St. Olaf Lion.

September 25, 2010
Treva her date Ryan attended the Breck homecoming dance complete with a pre-dance photo session.

September 25, 2010
Treva posing with friends.

September 25, 2010
I even convinced her to take a picture with me.

September 25, 2010
Treva looked great for the day.

September 30, 2010
Treva was happy to finally get her braces off. Her parents were equally happy to be done paying those bills for three kids after about 9 straight years.