December, 2017
Treva spent the first semester of her senior year on a program that brought her to Southeast Asia. She spent two weeks travelling before 10 weeks of course work at City University of Hong Kong. After that she had a four week internship at an employement search firm. Elizabeth and I caught up with her for a week to see the sights and have her show us around.

December, 2017
We stayed at the Intercontinental which had a Nobu inside and provided beautiful views back toward Hong Kong Island.

December, 2017
On our first full day we ventured up to Victoria Peak to look down on the whole city.

December, 2017
It was crowded trying to get the perfect picture while also trying to avoid going blind from the sun in our eyes.

December, 2017
Like all of China, it's fascinating to see what is sold from vendors right on the streets.

December, 2017
Elizabeth and I took a sky tram to see the Big Buddha.

December, 2017
Yes, it was very big.

December, 2017
We climbed a long set of stairs to get up close and personal.

December, 2017
Looking down from the Big Buddha.

December, 2017
From the Big Buddha we took a bus to the Tai O fishing village. Homes reach out into the water and are built on stilts. The tide goes in and out and shows the underbelly of the huts.

December, 2017
Elizabeth had no interest in trying some of the dried fish.

December, 2017
At least one enterprising woman was taking advantage of the tourists by operating the 3 Lanterns cafe. We stopped for a lemonade and a photo.

December, 2017
Probably not the place we will choose for our second home.

December, 2017
Back in Hong Kong at the Intercontinental there were plenty of signs of the extreme wealth to contrast the poverty we saw in other places.

December, 2017
Hong Kong is a very cosmopolitan city with expensive shops and malls at every corner.

December, 2017
The view from our hotel at night.

December, 2017
We kept finding places to take pictures from high above the city. This is from the Sky100 tower.

December, 2017
Owning gold jewelry is a clear sign of showing your success.

December, 2017
A typical street scene on Hong Kong Island.

December, 2017
In the Mong Kok neighborhood there is a long street full of knock off goods that are popular with the tourists. It's called the Ladies' Market.

December, 2017
Across the street from our hotel was the famous Peninsula Hotel which always has Rolls Royces parked out in front for their guest to get around in style. We went inside to have a drink at The Bar, famous for Johnny's Screwdriver which your can read about here.

December, 2017
Also outside the Peninsula is one of many lion statues you will find in SE Asia.

December, 2017
The three of us made a day trip to Macau to see the sights including the ruins of St. Paul's which was a 17th century church built by the Portuguese.

December, 2017
Another tower, another picture.

December, 2017
Elizabeth was very happy to find a Panda zoo.

December, 2017
Of course Macau is synonymous with casinos. We went to an amazing show called The House of Dancing Water at The City of Dreams casino. We then ventured over to see a few other casinos and try our luck at blackjack. Treva and I won $100.

December, 2017
The outside of the casinos at night.